Call for Data Update

Të nderuar Klient të KEP Trust, ju njoftojmë se duke u bazuar në legjislacionin në fuqi ne Republikën e Kosovës, KEP Trust është e obliguar që të bëjë përditësimin e të dhënave të klientëve rregullisht.

Dear KEP Trust Clients, We inform you that, based on the applicable legislation in the Republic of Kosovo, KEP Trust is obligated to regularly update client information. KEP Trust is currently updating client data, and therefore, all KEP Trust clients are invited to visit the nearest branch to get acquainted with the required information and documents necessary to complete their records.
KEP Trust has utilized all means of contact (based on the information you have provided to KEP Trust) to inform you about this process. If, due to changes in your personal contact details in the meantime, you have not received the notification about updating your information, this announcement serves as a general invitation for you to respond to this call.
Following this notice, you will have 30 (thirty) calendar days to visit KEP Trust offices. In cases where, for any reason, you cannot visit KEP Trust offices within the specified timeframe, you can contact the KEP Trust call center at 038722733 or via email at: Below is the list of documents that clients must have with them when visiting a KEP Trust branch to confirm their personal information:

  • A valid ID card or Passport from the Republic of Kosovo
  • A document for address verification is required, such as an electricity or water bill, or any document that includes your residential address. The bill must not be older than three months.
